If one looks for them, one’s days can be filled with opportunities to do things to help other people, clean the environment, etc. Some are big, some are small; all help. Having nearly been killed by a wayward artillery shell in Vietnam, John was a great believer in trying to do at least one good deed per day in order to respect the extra lease on life that artillery shell’s being a dud gave him. John would be very pleased to have others pick up that habit in his absence.

Some ideas that come to mind include:

(1) Picking up trash on the sidewalk, curb or particularly out in natural areas. John could not walk on a beach without picking up trash; it was the same in wooded areas. Every time you might ever pick up a bottle, a candy wrapper, etc. out in such an area John guarantees there will be a whispered “Thank you!” from him on the breeze.
(2) Please don’t ever place yourself at any sort of personal risk in these, but if you can help someone carry a load that is too heavy for them, or push their car free from being stuck, or help jump-start their car, etc. it helps make the world a safer place for us all when we share those tasks between us.
(3) Traffic courtesy is always a nice thing.
(4) Praising or thanking someone who has done something you appreciate; your smile and expression of appreciation can truly make their day.
(5) Genuinely listen to someone who needs to be listened to.
(6) Volunteer at a mobile food pantry distribution; they are now happening everywhere(!) so that could even become part of a vacation; contact www.feedingamerica.org for the location of the nearest Food Bank, and contact them for info on if and where you could help.
(7) Other? You decide! Do something that reminds you of John. Something that you know would make him smile.

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